About Us
We are an external support organization whose purpose is to promote, support, improve and enhance the academics and programs of Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation and the students therein, and to bring into close relation the parents, teachers, students, and community by way of supporting the activities and programs of the school through communication, financial, and voluntary support. Through the donations of both time and finances, we will be able to enrich KRAI programs by supporting specific needs such as program requests for materials, projects & field trips; PBIS (student incentives); teacher & staff appreciation; and more!
The KRAI Academic Booster Club is made up of parents, teachers, students, and others throughout the community. All are welcome, no experience necessary! The KRAI Academic Booster Club is funded through membership fees, donations from individuals and businesses and through fundraising activities. KRAI Academic Booster Club funds are deposited into the Academic Booster Club’s bank account and all disbursements from that account are approved by the executive board by vote of approval.
The KRAI ABC meetings (time, location) will be circulated thru emails and social media. We welcome your ideas, meeting attendance and your vote in decision-making. You are also invited to become involved through volunteering – we plan to have several posts that need leadership, including program liaisons and fundraising opportunities and ideas. We need your help!! Working together, we can support KRAI and its students as they map out their unique educational journey!
President: Amanda Foster
Vice President: Kristen Flanagan
Treasurer: Carmen Chucrala
Secretary: Carrie Black
Banner on the Fence
KRAI ABC Advertising Program
Support KRAI/ Business Advertisement
$500 FULL SIZE BANNER- Size (72″ X 36”)
Annual Renewal $300
Custom design, durable metal sign displayed along the car line/ fence line of the beautiful KRAI campus. Contact is responsible for ordering sign through Tampa Type & Print in Dade City, phone 352-523-1200. KRAI Academic Booster Club and/or KRAI are not responsible for mistakes on the sign. Sign reprints would be $500. Funding raised by this initiative will help support our efforts in funding Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation program specific needs such as requests for materials, projects & field trips; PBIS (student incentives); teacher & staff appreciation; and more. Thank you for your support!! Any questions please email KRAIAcademicBoosterClub@gmail.com.
Banner Form
Membership Form
Your membership dues help support:
- PBIS Student Incentives
- Teacher & Staff Appreciation
- Program materials & projects
- Program field experiences
- and so much more!
Membership Levels
Student ………………………….$5
KRAI Staff ……………………….$5
Individual Member ………………$15
Family Membership ……………..$30
Business Partner Membership….$50 and up*
KRAI ABC Business Membership Levels
$50 Level– Business mention on KRAI ABC Social Media & 1 year of membership
$150 Level– Typed business name on KRAI ABC Meeting Flyer, business promotion on KRAI ABC
Social Media & 1 year of membership.
$250 Level– Business logo on KRAI Meeting Flyer & Business Promotion on KRAI ABC Social Media & 1 year of membership
$350 Level– Business logo displayed at KRAI ABC, New Family Welcome Events and KRAI Meeting Flyer, shout out on Social Media & 1 year of membership
$650 Level– Banner on the fence for 1 year with option to renew, large business logo displayed at KRAI ABC New Family Welcome Events and KRAI Meeting Flyer, shout out on Social Media & 1 year of membership
Program Donations
Are you interested in making a donation to one of the innovative programs offered at KRAI? Several of our programs require consumables that are used on a regular basis.Consider making a recurring or one time donation using the links below.
Program Donations