Dual Enrollment – Spring 2025
Pasco County Schools
What is Dual Enrollment? Dual enrollment is an acceleration program that allows students to take postsecondary coursework and simultaneously earn credit toward a high school diploma, a career certificate, an industry certification or an associate or baccalaureate degree at a Florida public or eligible private postsecondary institution.
Important Links:
- See the attached PowerPoint for a helpful Dual Enrollment Step-by-Step Guide.
- Pasco County Schools Dual Enrollment Website
- PHSC Dual Enrollment Website
- Frequently Asked Questions about DE
- PHSC Dual Enrollment Steps for Registration
- Spring 2025 Online Registration & Course Request Worksheet w/Deadlines
- Dual Enrollment Testing & Placement Chart
Students must meet the following eligibility criteria per Section 1007.271(3), F.S.:
- Be enrolled as a student in a Florida public or nonpublic secondary school (grades 6-12), or in a home education program;
- Have a 3.0 unweighted high school grade point average (GPA) to enroll in college credits, or a 2.0 unweighted high school GPA to enroll in career dual enrollment courses;
- Achieve a passing score for Reading, Writing, and Math on either the PERT, ACT, or SAT exams.
Students must maintain at least a 3.0 unweighted high school GPA and the 2.0 postsecondary GPA specified in the Dual Agreement Articulation Agreement for continued eligibility to participate in college credit dual enrollment courses. Students may be removed from dual enrollment courses if their GPA falls below the required 3.0.
Spring Dual Enrollment Registration 2025
- Please follow these steps for Dual Enrollment found on the PHSC website: https://admissions.phsc.edu/start/high-school/dual-enroll/charter-public
- Returning Dual Enrollment students should start with Step 4 which is the Dual Enrollment Online Request Form (Dynamic Form).
- Students who need to pass one or more PERT tests can sign up for the test on KRAI campus at: https://krai.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=30251
- Some helpful PERT resources can be found here: https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7533/urlt/pert-studentstudyguide.pdf
- The list of Dual Enrollment college courses offered at PHSC (on the PHSC campuses or with PHSC online) is found at this link: https://info.phsc.edu/
Pasco eSchool DE Courses offered for Fall/Spring Terms: (All are offered BOTH SEMESTERS)
CGS1100 Microcomputer Applications
ENC1101 English Composition I
ENC1102 English Composition II
GEB1011 Intro to Business
GEB2112 Intro to Entrepreneurship
HUM1020 Intro to Humanities
SPC2608 Intro to Public Speaking
SPN1120 Beginning Spanish I
SPN1121 Beginning Spanish II
- New Dual Enrollment students are required to complete the Online Readiness Course through PHSC on Canvas. Completion of the PHSC Online Readiness Course is required prior to registering in any online dual enrollment courses. We highly encourage all students to access and complete the online readiness course early. Visit https://admissions.phsc.edu/start/high-school/dual-enroll/faq to access directions on how to complete the online readiness course.
- New Dual Enrollment students must also complete the Dual Enrollment Student Orientation through PHSC on Canvas. Students who have not completed this course will not be able to register for Dual Enrollment courses. Visit https://admissions.phsc.edu/start/high-school/dual-enroll/faq to access directions on how to complete the orientation.
Dual Enrollment Textbooks for Fall/Spring 2024-25:
- This is an important message concerning Dual Enrollment textbooks for Fall Term and for Spring Term. I’ve also attached the FAQ about Dual Enrollment textbooks to help with common questions. PLEASE NOTE: THESE PROCEDURES HAVE CHANGED from previous terms!
- If you have any Fall 2024 Dual Enrollment classes that included textbooks for Pasco eSchool or PHSC Dual Enrollment classes, please see the attached DE Textbook Flyer information for instructions for how to return the Fall 2024 Term textbook so that you do not get charged for it (Fall textbook return dates are December 9th, 11th, and 16th at Weightman Middle School).
- If you are registered to take any Spring 2025 Term classes with Pasco eSchool or PHSC, please see the same attached DE Textbook Flyer for how to obtain your Spring 2025 Term textbook in time for the Spring term to start in January. (Spring textbook pickup dates are January 13th, 15th, and 22nd at Weightman Middle School).
- NOTE: For the Spring 2025 Term, each college course has specific procedures that may be different from others so you will need to know your course number to find out how to get your textbooks whether they are hard copies or electronic. Please read the instructions carefully and be sure to follow them closely so you don’t miss any deadlines!
For any Dual Enrollment textbook questions, the fastest way to get a response is via email: dual_enrollment@k12-lets-talk.com or call:(813)794-2364
More information can be found on the Pasco County Dual Enrollment Webpage: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/dual-enrollment

Student Testing and Placement Chart